- Support Us
- Volunteer
The success of YugalKunj (YK) depends upon enthusiastic, selfless volunteers who are keen to give back their talent and time to the community in which they live. Whether you foresee yourself as an occasional volunteer committing to a few hours every month or as a committed member who can volunteer for several hours in a week, we need you!
YugalKunj is approved as an official Certifying Organization for the President's Volunteer Service Award and we have been able to recognize the great work and commitment of our youth as well as adult volunteers. This not only delivers a powerful message during our college application process, provides the necessary motivation to our continuing volunteers but also encourages others to take action.
Terms & Conditions
I understand and agree to the following:
- 1. I am donating my time services and shall at no time be considered an employee or contractor of the Radha Madhav Society.
- 2. Volunteers are not official representatives of RMS /HYC and cannot act on behalf, unless given specific written instructions by the Board of Directors.
- 3. Volunteers are encouraged to help each other and work together to create environment of selflessness, humility and harmony on the premises of Yugal Kunj.
- 4. Volunteers should not engage themselves in any activity/solicitation/campaign of any nature for personal gain on the premises of Yugal Kunj or utilize information and contacts obtained at RMS/HYC for such purposes.
- 5. Volunteering is an honorable act, and volunteers are kindly requested to refrain from escalating any disagreements. Volunteers are encouraged to bring any issues or disputes to the Board for clarification and/or resolution.
- 6. RMS /HYC may revoke volunteer privileges of individuals at any time, without providing any notice or reason.
- 7. Any incident or behavior which does not conform to the Rules and Regulation or Code of Conduct of RMS /HYC should be brought to the notice of the Board in writing. The Board will try its best to treat all such matters in a confidential mannerl.